Optimal Health and hormones

Functional Medicine Expert

Helping you improve energy, boost immunity, get optimal sleep and balance hormones so you can look and feel your best!

Good health

starts from within.

Green Check



I am a board-certified Nurse Practitioner that has 3 boys. After going through my own battle with breast cancer and recognizing the gaps in conventional medicine I was out to change that for my patients. Right now, our system is aimed at getting patients by keeping you sick with sugar, processed foods and unhealthy living. I’m here to help you navigate your lifestyle to create a environment that boosts your immunity, so you are ready to fight disease.

Green Check



I use a functional medicine approach along with a conventional approach when appropriate to get to the root cause of your issues. I am not about just treating you with a pill. My approach is likely to include a Continuous Glucose Monitor and a nutritional plan while getting to the root cause of your symptoms. I believe food is medicine and we have an opportunity to dial in our health for longevity, aging and an enhanced ability to fight disease if needed.

Green Check


Holistic Approach

After a thorough work up with lab Interpretation and supplement recommendation, I work with a certified Holistic Nutritionist who formulates diet and recipes based on your lab results. This personalized approach takes “food is medicine” to a whole new level. From Sugar Detox, Mediterranean, High Protein Bundle, Low Histamine Roadmap, Candida Protocol, Gut Detox recipes. We have it all covered and truly personalized to your body based on your lab results.

Why Work

with me

Woman Meditating at Home


93% of Americans are metabolically sick. Leading to diabetes, fatty liver disease and so much more. I am here to help you navigate your risk and control your narrative.


Your visit includes a continuous glucose monitor and functional medicine labs. We look at stress and aging and inflammation, autoimmunity and so much more!


After a virtual or in person visit we get labs and get to the root cause of your symptoms. Why are you hypothyroid? Why do you have low estrogen? How can we improve those numbers?


Lets dive in hormonal balance and longevity. I also offer Dutch testing. Maybe you are concerned with gut health. Let me help you navigate improved gut health with stool testing to determine what we are up against.

Top View of Smoothie Bowl Ingredients

Nutrition Coaching

I am here to help you navigate your blood glucose readings and follow along with your journaling in a personalized App that allows me to see your results or concerns daily. Through the app I can order supplements that are shipped direct to your home.

Man in Sportswear Exercising Outdoors
Senior Woman Doing Yoga

Sports Nutrition

Maybe you are an Athlete and trying to be the best version of yourself you can be. Let me help you navigate that with my stress and aging supplements and packages.

Women's Health

Lets get started on balancing your hormones with my detailed Dutch testing that looks at adrenal health and so much more.

*Our programs take dietary restrictions for health, religious, or personal reasons into consideration.

Bowl of Vegetables Flatlay

Weight Loss

Maybe your main concern is weight loss and you want to understand why you can’t loose weight. With a Continuous glucose monitor, stool testing and fasting insulin we can determine what is causing your body to work against you. I also offer some great supplements.

Kind Words from

Happy Clients


I didn’t realize how horrible I felt until I got my blood sugars stable. Thanks to Allison. I was one of the 93% of Americans headed toward Diabetes. She changed my life and I am forever grateful.

Mary G.


I came out of chemotherapy after breast cancer a hormonal wreck. Allison was able to balance my hormones and lower my inflammation and insulin lowering my risk of reoccurance. Thank you Allison

Carly A.


My Testosterone was low after a Torsion. Allison was able to put me on the right supplements and diet that helped raise my Testosterone naturally.

Douglas G.

Let's work together.

Get in touch!






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Meal Prep Ingredients

Optimal Health and Hormones

Labs and continous glucose monitor billed through third party. I am not responsible for any labs that are not covered although I do my best to get your labs covered. Additional testing such as Stool testing and Dutch testing sold separately. Supplements sold separately through Fullscript.

Office Hours

Monday: 8am –2pm

Tuesday: 8am – 2pm

Wednesday: 8am – 2pm



Metabolism Check

Lab Markers to see if your metabolism is working optimally.

Continuous Glucose Monitor

A prescription is called in for a 30 day supply and CGM monitor. This is billed through your insurance.

Blood Sugar Balancing Recipes

30 days of blood sugar balancing recipes to help keep your blood sugar balanced.



Hormone Testing

Hormone Lab workup with a detailed plan and supplement recommendations. This is a detailed look at your overall health. Includes inflammation markers, hormone testing, Insulin levels and much more!

30 Days of Recipes

These recipes are tailored to your test results. I work with Certified Holistic Nutritionist to bring you the latest in nurtition.

Continous Glucose Monitor

Balanced hormones start with balanced blood sugar. Lets see how the food you are eating may be affecting your Hormone Health.



Complete Hormone and Health

Workup 3 month Plan

This is a complete workup that looks at how you are aging overall. From inflammation to autoimmunity, genetic testing for heart disease, I cover it all. This comphrehensive blood work panel dives deep into your overall health and how well you are aging. Looking to lower your risk of cancer, heart disease or autoimmunity. This is for you!

90 Days of Recipes

Monthly recipes that are specific to your lab results, developed by a Certified Nutritionist specializing in Hormone Health.


You will have access to ask questions and post pictures of your glucose readings, Get daily feedback through our App Accountability with weekly weigh in postssupplement questions, and more!



Interested in Just the recipes without lab testing. Get 30 days of recipes and a grocery list that makes it easy to meal plan for $49 Email me below!

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